Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Kids In The Hood

Needed some inspiration, was getting bored with what I was doing in my personal projects. So I decided to join FreakingNews.com, a photoshop competition site, where other photoshop enthusiast compete amongst each other on different themes.

The theme was Kids in the Hood, based on the image of the boy and the girl...but you could pretty much do whatever you wanted to with the image of the kids. This was my very first submission and I came 4th out of 44 other entries. The site rates the top 4 and I even got a trophy Icon, lol. I was in good company too, the top 3 are like the dominant members of the site, so I didn't feel too bad that I didn't come in first...maybe next round. Once the next competition ends I will display my current entry and standing.

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